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Academic Activities

  1. The 1st International Conference on Clusteroluminescence, Invited speaker, Hangzhou, 16-17 April. 2022

  2. The 10th International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer Materials, Invited speaker, Shanghai, 17-20 Oct. 2021

  3. The AIE20 International Conference, Invited speaker, Guangzhou, 24-28 July. 2020.

  4. The 4th Symposium on New Functional Materials. Invited speaker, Changsha, 17-19 Apr. 2020.

  5. The 18th Asian Chemical Congress, Oral presentation, Taiwan, 8-12 Dec. 2019.

  6. The 3rd Symposium on New Functional Materials. Invited speaker, Beijing, 30-31 Mar. 2019.

  7. The 4th International Conference on Aggregation-Induced Emission, Oral presentation, Adelaide, Australia, 20–26 Jan. 2019.

  8. Chinese Chemical Society Chiral China 2019 Symposium, Oral presentation, Shenzhen, 12-13 Jan. 2019. 

  9. The 1st Chinese Conference on Aggregation Induced Emission, Oral presentation, Xi'an, 26-29 Sep. 2018.

  10. SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics 2018, Keynote presentation (on behalf of Professor Ben Zhong Tang), San Diego, California, USA, 19-23, Aug. 2018.

  11. EMRS 2018 Spring Meeting, Oral presentation, Strasbourg, France, 18-22 June 2018.

  12. The 2nd Symposium on New Functional Materials. Invited speaker, Tianjin, 26-28 Jan. 2018.

  13. The 17th Congress, Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering. Oral presentation, Hong Kong, 23-27, Aug. 2017.

  14. The 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies. Oral presentation, Singapore, 18-23, Jun. 2017.

  15. The 8th National Conference on Molecular Chirality of the Chinese Chemical Society. Poster, Fuzhou,  12-15 Oct. 2017.

  16. The 24th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong. Poster, Hong Kong,  6 May. 2017.

  17. The International Conference on the Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals 2016. Poster, Guangzhou, 26 Jun.–1 Jul. 2016.

  18. The 2nd International Conference on Aggregation-Induced Emission. Poster, Guangzhou, 15-18 May. 2015.


Professional Services

  1. Associate editor, Book Series of <Aggregation-Induced Emission >

  2. Young Editorial Board Members, Aggregate, Wiley

  3. Young Editorial Board Members, Smart. Mol., Wiley

  4. Young Editorial Board Members, Chin. Chem. Lett., Elsevier 


Academic Awards

  1. 2023. July    "Elite Youth” Award (菁青化学新锐奖)   Chinese Chemical Society, China

  2. 2018. June   Young Scientist Award                                European Materials Research Society, France

Zhejiang University

© 2019-2022 by Haoke Zhang

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